Support of Azure AD objects (e.g. groups)
We would like to give different users on our InTune managed notebooks access to certain devices based on Azure-AD groups and not to other users.

Azure AD integration was released with DriveLock 2022.1 for all our cloud managed services customers.
Anonymous commented
Sorry for my late answer. I think Your translation is pretty fine.
In our Active Directory environment we used to have different user groups for users whom we granted access to USB mass storage devices, specific types of cameras, smartphones or bluetooth devices.
Now our notebooks are managed with InTune/Endpoint Manager in an Azure AD environment and we would like to grant our users (which are also Azure identities) access to USB sticks or prevent them to access specific devices based on their membership in Azure AD Groups.
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Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung. -
AdminUdo Riedel (CTO, DriveLock SE) commented
Vielen Dank für diese Nachfrage. Würden Sie die Anforderung bitte genauer spezifizieren. Vielen Dank!
Thank you very much for this request. Would you please specify the requirement in more detail. Thank you very much!