Encryption 2 Go auto mount as new drive without driver installation
With an encrypted USB stick with container, it should be possible to get the container automatically mounted as a new drive in Explorer on a foreign device after entering the password. If you are on a business trip etc. and want to give a presentation on a foreign device, it is not a solution to install a driver there if at all possible. The let's call it "FTP window" with download and upload (without installation) is not an option for the end user. First, the data from it can not be opened immediately and secondly, when changes are made, they can not be saved. Result: File must be stored somewhere locally.
We have finally to decline this request for technical reasons:
As in all previous Windows versions it is still not possible to add/mount new drives without local administrator or system permissions. We have tried to bypass this limitation or find a workaround for this, without success in finding a stable and user friendly solution.
We agree, that this would greatly enhance the product’s usability and we’ll continue to have a look at changes in future OS releases that might make this possible.
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