Restart option after agent update
Currently, a reboot before updating the agent can be configured via the option "Reboot to update agent". This causes the users to be logged out first, then DriveLock is updated and then a reboot occurs. If users logs on immediately afterwards, they can work for 2-3 minutes before a reboot occurs without further warning.
It would be better for the users if the update would happen in the background without reboot (similar to push install/push update via the DCC). The user should get after successful update a message that he should close all programs because the computer reboots. This reboot should be postponed by the user for a certain time (10-60 minutes).
I don't see it as particularly important, because a reboot during an update is usually not useful. only FFE and FDE actually need a reboot - but only later when the agent is already running again and not when the msi is finished.
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Guenter Eis commented
Update ohne Reboot wäre perfekt.
Bernhard Clemens commented
Neustart nach deployment